Commemorate your loved one’s life

Memorials & plaques

A memorial or plaque is a permanent marker commemorating your loved one when people visit their grave or memorial. We refer you to Canterbury’s local monumental masons Decra Art, who can help you create a personalised monument that reflects your loved one.

Things to consider when planning a memorial

Here are a few things to consider before you visit the Monumental Mason.

  • Know the cemetery or memorial garden rules on the size, material and design of headstones and plaques.
  • Decide on your budget. Memorials and plaques can vary in price depending on material, manufacturing process, shape, and size.
  • Consider aesthetics and durability when you choose the material for your monument. The material you choose will impact on how long the memorial will last.
  • Consider your loved one’s style and taste. Were they a minimalist or a lover of kitsch and whimsy? Did they love classical forms or contemporary culture? This will help you choose the right monument for them.
  • Consider your inscription. The size and shape of your memorial will influence how much text and illustration you can have.

Contact Decra Art

The Decra Art team craft granite and marble headstones, personalise inscriptions, and refurbish and replace existing headstones and plaques.

We're here for you

If you need our help following the death of a loved one contact us any time of the day or night.

Christchurch (03) 379 9920
North Canterbury (03) 327 7499

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