
Funeral Payments

We’re always sensitive to your financial needs, and we can advise you on funeral grants if you need financial support. Our funeral quote will be detailed, and we’ll take the time to explain all the items, so you know exactly what each cost is for.

Funeral payment plans

We can arrange 12-month funeral payment plans if this suits your financial needs. Please talk to our team about your payment plan options.

Paying if estate in probate

When your loved one dies, their bank accounts will be frozen. In some cases, they may not be accessed until Probate is granted. You may wish to plan for this by transferring bank accounts into joint names before your loved one dies.

If settlement of your loved one’s estate is delayed by lack of Probate, please pay your funeral account by the due date and recover funds from their estate when it is settled. Please let us know if you’d like a copy of our invoice sent to your solicitor.

Pre-payment towards your funeral

Paying for your funeral in advance can help spare your family worry about arrangements and costs. To make a prepayment, make an appointment with us to discuss your funeral. We’ll help you record your wishes, and estimate the cost of your funeral, so you can decide how much to pre-pay towards your funeral. Please note that funeral estimates are not fixed and are subject to inflation.

Ask us for more advice and support

We’re here to guide you through any financial support options available to you.
Ask our team for advice and help.

We're here for you

If you need our help following the death of a loved one contact us any time of the day or night.

Christchurch (03) 379 9920
North Canterbury (03) 327 7499

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