Taking the time to say farewell

Why funerals matter

Dealing with the loss of a loved one can be one of the hardest things you’ll ever experience. That’s why it is so important to take the time to celebrate their life and grieve for your loss.

A space to share memories and tell stories

The funeral is about your loved one, but it’s for you, their family and friends. It’s a chance for everyone who knew them to say goodbye. A time for you to give and receive support, to share memories and tell stories together.

A funeral gives others who cared for your loved one a space to pay their respects, share their grief, and let you know they care.

People often tell us how precious it is to hear stories of their loved one from friends and colleagues, and how those memories enrich their own.

A funeral is also a chance to rally support around you at this difficult time, and in the weeks and months after, when the reality of your loss sinks in, and you adapt to life without someone dear.

Letting your grief out

Taking part in a funeral helps counter our initial feelings of shock, numbness, and disbelief. Funerals reinforce the reality that a death has happened, and this acceptance, however painful, is a necessary part of grieving.

The only way out of grief is through it. We must allow our grief to surface, and a funeral is a safe place to show and share our feelings with others.

A funeral allows us to be real about how we feel. It can help us say; “Thank you.” “I love you.” “I’m lonely without you.” “I’ll always remember you.” “You meant a lot to me.” “Goodbye.”

A chance to reflect on a life

Making your loved one’s funeral a true reflection of who they were and what they meant to others, helps make your final farewell more precious. We’ve helped many families farewell their loved one with a ceremony crafted to express their unique life and spirit.

From personal touches to meaningful locations, say your goodbye in a way that truly resonates for your family.

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We're here for you

If you need our help following the death of a loved one contact us any time of the day or night.

Christchurch (03) 379 9920
North Canterbury (03) 327 7499

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