Affordable travel for bereaved families

Compassionate airfares

Air New Zealand offers compassionate airfares to immediate family members who need to travel to attend a funeral service within one week of a death.

How to apply for a compassionate airfare

Compassionate air fares offer a reduction on full or higher priced fares. They do not apply to lower priced fares already below the compassionate airfare level.

Here’s how to apply for a compassionate airfare:

  1. Buy your ticket. If your ticket costs more than $169 for a single sector journey or $249 for two or more sectors per one way journey, you may be eligible for a refund.
  2. Check if you’re eligible online or call the Air New Zealand refunds team on 0800 733 8637 with your booking or ticket reference number.
  3. If you are eligible, fill in the compassionate fare request form. If you need a hard copy of this form call Air New Zealand or ask your funeral director.
  4. Ask us to send confirmation to Air New Zealand verifying the death.

For more information, visit Air New Zealand’s compassionate fares information page, or ask your funeral director.

We're here for you

If you need our help following the death of a loved one contact us any time of the day or night.

Christchurch (03) 379 9920
North Canterbury (03) 327 7499

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