Pre-plan your funeral
Peace of mind for you and certainty for those you love
Plan a personalised funeral ceremony that reflects your life, your values, and the people you love. Understand your options, record your wishes, and spare your family from worry about arrangements and costs.
Your guide to pre-arranging your funeral

How pre-planning works
Pre-planning your funeral starts with a visit and a conversation. We’ll discuss your funeral and record your wishes. Your plans can be as simple or as detailed as you like, and you can change your arrangements any time you wish.

Recording your wishes
If you’d like to take your time to consider your funeral you can also record your wishes online. It’s a good idea to let your family know you’ve planned your funeral. And you might like to print a copy of your plan to keep with your will.
A gift for your family
Planning your funeral doesn't mean that the end is near.
It's just being proactive and ensuring everything is in place for when the time does come. Take control and make sure your final arrangements align with your wishes and provide clarity and support for the people you love.
Can't download or print? Let us know and we'll supply you with a copy.
Pre-payment towards your funeral
Prepaying towards for your funeral in advance can help spare your family worry about arrangements and costs. It also helps protect your pension. Prepaid funerals up to $10,000 are excluded from asset testing when assessing your eligibility for subsidies for residential care.
To make a prepayment towards your funeral, make an appointment with us to discuss your choices. We’ll help you record your wishes, and estimate the cost of your funeral, so you can decide how much to pre-pay. Please note that funeral estimates are not fixed and are subject to inflation.
Your prepayment will be held safe for you in The Funeral Trust administered by The Funeral Directors Association of New Zealand. The Funeral Trust is not an insurance policy, so you won’t need to answer personal questions or take any health checks.
You can change your funeral arrangements with us at any time. And if you decide to be buried in another town, we’ll arrange for your instructions and pre-payment to be transferred.

Preparing for death
Every life comes to an end and death is a natural process. When it takes its normal course, it happens peacefully and with dignity.

If you wish to be buried in the land of your birth, we recommend you state this in your will, and discuss your wishes with family and close friends.
Arrange your pre-planning meeting
We’re here to guide you through all your choices and take care of all the details. Make a time to meet, and we’ll help you plan a funeral to suit your needs and honour your loved one.
We're here for you
If you need our help following the death of a loved one contact us any time of the day or night.
Christchurch (03) 379 9920
North Canterbury (03) 327 7499