
Funeral packages

Our funeral packages include essential cremations, simple services, and fully personalised ceremonies. We also offer fully personalised funerals.

Our Funeral Packages

dignified cremation with viewing

From $6,325 inc gst

For families who don’t wish for a funeral, or who plan to organise a memorial service later. This allows for family and friends to visit their loved one in our viewing room, followed by a cremation with no service.

Farewell gathering

From $9,190 inc gst

A simple, dignified ceremony, followed by a cremation. Ideal for loved ones with a small circle of close friends, or where cost is a consideration. The ceremony can be religious or secular to meet your needs.

Fully personalised funeral

$POA Price on application

A full range of options and support to personalise your ceremony to fit the needs of your family. From traditional services to informal celebrations, your farewell can be true to the personality of your loved one.

Professional service fee

Our professional service charge is a fee that is competitively set annually by the business management to enable us to provide the best possible professional service to our client families. The charge covers all the professional duties our funeral directors and support staff undertake in attending to any ongoing client's wishes, including and prior to, and at the time of the funeral.

what does the fee cover?

The fee is calculated within set guidelines, and considers factors which include but are not restricted to:

  • The reasonable cost of running a business.
  • The experience and reputation of the business.
  • Personal professional attendance and availability twenty-four hours a day, every day of the year.
  • Time and labour expended.
  • The skill, specialised knowledge, and responsibility required to properly perform all duties by the various divisions within the business.
  • Advising on all matters pertaining to funerals and procedure's; advising on currently available government grants, and national and international repatriation requirements.
  • The urgency and circumstances under which we have been engaged including any time limitations imposed.
  • The provision of welcoming grounds and facilities, as well as ensuring that we comply with all the local council and health and safety requirements of operating public accessible premises.
  • Professional development and learning to enable us to provide the very best and up to date service and advice.
  • After funeral care by our specialist grief councillor.

In addition to fees for our professional services, our bills will include expenses and disbursements incurred, and paid on your behalf.

Request a funeral quote

We’re here to guide you through all your choices and plan a funeral to suit your needs and your financial circumstances. Our quotes are always free and no obligation.

We're here for you

If you need our help following the death of a loved one contact us any time of the day or night.

Christchurch (03) 379 9920
North Canterbury (03) 327 7499

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